Total Matching Records found : 13733

Climate change may increase cost of cereal and household basics -Heather Saul

-The Independent   The impact of climate change could increase the price of breakfast cereal and other household foods, a report by Oxfam has claimed, which found Kellogg and Nestle are among the world's 'Big 10' food and drink companies who emit more greenhouses gases than Nordic countries combined. In their report, Oxfam called on the major food and drink companies to do more to tackle climate change after it found that...

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Bridging connectivity gaps for better health services-Osama Manzar

-Live Mint   With a new political transition, it may be a good idea for the new government to work on an idea as to how to enable all health workers across the country to have data-enabled smartphones If you have no electricity, you can survive despite inconvenience; if you have no pucca house, you still survive on thatched shelters; if you have bad roads, you can still communicate on the patched...

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100,000 Maharashtra farmers may not get loan to sow kharif crop -Aparna Pallavi

-Down to Earth   Reserve Bank of India refuses to bail out three district cooperative banks Kharif sowing season is close at hand, but around 100,000 farmers of Nagpur, Wardha and Buldhana districts in Maharashtra are unlikely to get agricultural loan or hailstorm relief from the District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCBs) because the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has rejected banking applications of these banks. Worse, fixed deposits worth Rs 1,716 crore belonging...

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Economist Thomas Piketty, professor at the Paris School of Economics interviewed by Pranay Sharma

-Outlook   The author of the surprise international bestseller, Capital, in the 21st Century, thinks that abolishing Income Tax is not a good idea Books on economy rarely move beyond the peer group of economists and their academic circle. But those old presumptions are now being put to the test and the rules are being rewritten from the time 42-year old French economist, Thomas Piketty, went viral. The publication of the English edition...

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'Mysterious' NGOs Under MHA Radar -Yatish Yadav

-The New Indian Express   NEW DELHI: The good times may be over for non-governmental organisations (NGOs) operating in ‘mysterious' sectors like participatory democracy, advocacy, action research, innovative communication, inclusiveness etc. Sources said Foreigners Division under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), is tightening the noose around such NGOs and a wide ranging reform is on the top of its agenda. "Activities of NGOs organising workshops on the regulatory frameworks, developing communication strategies, people...

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