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Dry ATMs dispensing more disappointment than cash

-The Economic Times Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants India to go cashless. And it seems that automated teller machines, or ATMs, have been taking the lead ever since the demonetisation drive began. They are absolutely what PM wants the economy to be — cashless. The result: people's frustration is building up because ATMs are either getting emptied faster than they are refilled, or they are just not working. ET reports from commercial hubs...

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There is a human cost of development projects, says new report

The term 'development' holds a positive connotation for most policymakers. However, there are examples abound, which indicates that development also cause enormous misery to the people, particularly the poor and the marginalized. Take for instance, the organizing of 2010 Commonwealth Games, due to which massive infrastructural development in the national capital was undertaken when Sheila Dikshit was the Chief Minister of Delhi. It has been estimated that almost 2 lakh...

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It Is Time to Address India's Abysmal Job Creation Record -Pradeep S Mehta & Amol Kulkarni More than 550 jobs were lost each day in the last four years in India, placing it behind Bangladesh and Vietnam in terms of job creation. The sheer pressure of poverty means that job creation will always be high on the agenda of any government. In India, significant public resources have been invested to encash the demographic dividend and prevent it from becoming a burden. But the results have been far...

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Demonetisation: The Lies The Government Weaves As It Abandons Reason -Prabhat Patnaik NEW DELHI: So many lies are being spread by the government which is currently busy wrecking the Indian economy in the manner of a bull in a china shop; so many spurious economic arguments are being trotted out by it, that one has to be extremely vigilant not to be swept away by this tide of unreason. In the current article, and the two subsequent ones to follow, I propose to...

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The rice that changed the world -K Deepalakshmi

-The Hindu IR8, the high-yielding rice variety helped India fight famine, turns 50 this month In 1967, when a 29-year-old N. Subba Rao sowed a semidwarf variety of rice in over 2,000 hectares in Atchanta, West Godavari district in Andhra Pradesh, he wouldn't have thought he would be part of a revolution in rice cultivation. What Dr. Rao sowed in his farm was IR-8, a rice variety developed by the International Rice Research...

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