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The crisis in sugarcane is shaping politics in western UP's Jat belt -Shoaib Daniyal The falling viability of sugarcane in the fertile Upper Doab is a portent to the tough times India’s farm SECtor could see in the future. In Mundet Kalan, as dusk sets in, villagers get together for some chatter, passing around a large wooden hookah. The village, located in Shamli district of western Uttar Pradesh, is dominated by land-owning Jats – who are angry at almost everything around them. “Jaton ke saath bahot...

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Union Budget: A Window of Opportunity for Our Children? Budget for Children 2017-18 -HAQ Centre for Child Rights

-HAQ Centre for Child Rights The NDA government presented its fourth budget on 1st February 2017, putting forth its agenda of “Transform, Energise and Clean India” – TEC India. It seeks to transform the quality of governance and quality of life of our people; energise various SECtions of society, especially the youth and the vulnerable; and clean the country from the evils of corruption. Please click here to read the entire report. ...

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Budget 2017 Disappoints, Maternity Benefit Programme Underfunded, Excludes Those Who Need It The Most -Dipa Sinha

-NDTV According to the World Health Statistics (2016), nearly 5 women die every hour in India due to pregnancy and delivery related complications. 17 per cent of maternal deaths in the world occur in India. Based on the data from the Rapid Survey on Children (2013), only 65 per cent of children are exclusively breastfed up to six months of age. Infant and child mortality rates are high as well. Child...

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Government conducting study on agrarian distress

-PTI NEW DELHI: Government is conducting a study to ascertain agrarian distress in major farmer suicide-hit states, Parliament was informed today. The data on number of farmer suicides during 2016 has not yet been compiled by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). The most recent NCRB data showed number of farmer suicides to be 12,602 in 2015, with maximum reported in Maharashtra (4,291), followed by Karnataka. "Taking cognisance of the problem of agrarian...

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And children pay the price -Krishna Kumar

-The Indian Express CBSE’s decision to make Class X board exam compulsory upturns a modest reform of school education Once upon a time, when India was a colony, the matriculation exam marked the end of “high” school education. It served as the gateway for higher education at a college. The Latin root of the verb ‘to matriculate’ means getting enlisted in a college. Not everybody could aspire for higher education, but even...

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