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Elevation reduces chances of tsunami at Jaitapur: Kakodkar

Stating that seismic activity in India differs from that in Japan, Anil Kakodkar, former chairman of Atomic Energy Commission, said here on Monday that the possibility of a tsunami at Jaitapur, the site for a proposed nuclear power plant, was low. “Seismic activity in Japan and India are two different things. There are certain locations in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. So, I won't say a tsunami will...

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India needs Rs 1,08,000 crore for food security by Chetan Chauhan

Indian agriculture needs Rs 1,08,000 crore to fight climate change in the next five years to ensure food for all at a reasonable price by 2020. To prevent food catastrophe, the agriculture ministry has asked the funds for implementing National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture under the Prime Minister's National Action Plan on Climate Change. Over 60% of the money will be spent on developing new technologies, crop varieties and new practices...

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PPSS leaders reiterate resolve not to leave land for Posco project

Despite poor participation of local villagers in the anti-Posco rally organized by Posco Pratirodh Sangram Samiti (PPSS) at Balitutha, the entry point to the Posco project site near Paradip, the PPSS leaders today reiterated their resolve not to hand over 2900 acres forest land to the South Korean company for its steel project. The PPSS rally particularly turned into a damp squib as four MPs of West Bengal, who had earlier...

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Village land belongs to us: Gujarat farmers by Jumana Shah

As intermittent jubilation spreads through the crowd of 5,000-odd farmers at Moti Buru, outskirts of Ahmedabad, where the 'Jal, Jameen Jungle bachao padyatra' was on Saturday, Dr Kanubhai Kalsariya is quick to assert that this is not the final victory and that the fortnight-long yatra will continue till Gandhinagar as per schedule. The people's mass protest that has brought them this victory is spectacular in its own right. Fatigued from the...

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‘Efficacy of Tsunami Warning System proved' by ML Melly Maitreyi

The city-based Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), which ruled out a tsunami threat for the Indian Ocean on Friday, reconfirmed on Saturday that the sea levels in the Indian Ocean were not different from what had been anticipated. INCOIS issued the first bulletin just seven minutes after the massive undersea quake near the east coast of Honshu in Japan on Friday. The Indian Early Tsunami Warning System, based on...

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