-The Indian Express In many areas, farmers had harvested their crop but did not get time to shift the produce to a dry location as the rain caught them unawares. Farmers in Maharashtra are staring at crop loss of over Rs 5,000 crore across 30 districts after heavy rain caused extensive damage to standing crop in the last few days. The scale of crop loss may be even worse as authorities...
Why RCTs aren't the simple answer to solving India's learning crisis -Martin Haus and Rakesh K Rajak
-TheWire.in The problem with the domination of RCTs in development is the depreciation of other, more relevant findings using different methodologies. This year’s Nobel prize in economics has been awarded to the three researchers Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer, who are well-known for their field experiments in the form of randomised controlled trials (RCTs). But can that methodology make meaningful contributions to solving the problem of our schools failing our...
More »Employment falls first time -- by 9 million in 6 years: Study -Udit Misra
-The Indian Express The “total employment during 2011-12 and 2017-18 declined by 9 million”. Also,close to 2.6 million jobs were lost every year between 2011-12 and 2017-18. A NEW academic paper — written by Santosh Mehrotra and Jajati K Parida and published by the Centre of Sustainable Employment at the Azim Premji University on Thursday — has formally concluded that the total employment in India declined between 2011-12 and 2017-18. This is...
More »India's growth is in barely positive territory: US think tank
-PTI As against India's real growth rate of 6.8 per cent in 2018, the IMF in its latest World Economic Outlook projected the country's growth rate at 6.1 per cent for 2019. WASHINGTON: India's growth is in barely positive territory, a top American think tank has said, noting that several key indicators are not just slowing down, but in absolute decline. In a study, two scholars from the Centre for Global Development (CGD)...
More »Randomized control trials may not suit India's social schemes -Indira Rajaraman
-Livemint.com What works for a small-scale NGO-style intervention may not help the state’s implementation of it without elaborate checks The Nobel Prize for economics this year has gone to three scholars, two American citizens and one French-American. It has generated much excitement in India because one of the Americans, Abhijit Banerjee, is of Indian descent, and all three have worked on India. This has happened before. Angus Deaton, the 2015 recipient, and...
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