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Centre asks states to review drought preparedness -Sayantan Bera and Prerna Kapoor An advance review of drought preparedness will help mitigate the impact of any sub-par rains on farmers, says agriculture minister Radha Mohan Singh New Delhi: Despite the government’s weather office forecasting a normal south-west monsoon in 2017, agriculture minister Radha Mohan Singh on Monday wrote to all state chief minister’s asking them to be ready with contingency plans in case of poor rains. An advance review of drought preparedness will help mitigate...

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India Exclusion Report 2016 paints a bleak picture of jobs, equality, agriculture Even as the Indian economy grew, the inequality between the rich and the poor too has widened with drastic fall in jobs and increase in number of landless farmers, the India Exclusion Report 2016 says. Even as the Indian economy grew, the inequality between the rich and the poor, too, has widened with a drastic fall in jobs and increase in number of landless farmers, says the India Exclusion Report...

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India's Abortion Laws Need to Change and in the Pro-Choice Direction -Saumya Rai and Sajid Sheikh Irrespective of the marital status of women, access to safe abortion services and quality post-abortion care, including counselling, need to be legally guaranteed. On February 28, 2017, the Supreme Court refused to allow a woman to abort her 26-week-old foetus that would be born with Down syndrome, a congenital disorder that postpones the onset of developmental and intellectual features. Admitting that the child may suffer from physical and mental abnormalities, the...

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Rahul 'jobless' jab at Modi -Sanjay K Jha

-The Telegraph New Delhi: Rahul Gandhi today accused the government of creating a grim employment situation through its lack of vision and commitment, reaffirming the Congress's persistent charge of jobless growth in the country over the past few years. "Sad to see our youth let down by this government's lack of vision. Between promises and performance lies capability and commitment," Rahul tweeted, referring to recent news reports about an employment crisis and...

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Taking Cognisance of the Deeply Flawed System That Is Aadhaar -Shreyashi Roy Aadhaar and its many connotations have grown to be among the most burning issues on the Indian fore today, that every citizen aware of their rights should be taking note of. New Delhi: With the leak of 130 million Aadhaar numbers recently coming to light, several activists, lawyers and ordinary citizens are up in arms about what is increasingly being viewed as a government surveillance system. Keeping this in mind, on...

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