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RTE Act: some rights and wrongs by Pushpa M Bhargava

As it stands, the Right to Education Act has several flaws that will prevent its efficacious implementation. Several amendments are called for. Something that cannot work, will not work. This is a tautology applicable to the Right to Education (RTE) Act, which cannot meet the objectives for which it was enacted. There are several reasons for this. First, the Act does not rule out educational institutions set up for profit (Section 2.n.(iv))....

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Chhattisgarh dubs new mining bill anti-tribal

The Chhattisgarh government has opposed a new mining legislation, which stipulates licence allocation on a first-come-first-serve basis, stating that it is “dangerous for tribals” and would lead to loss of revenue for the State. Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh, who participated in the meeting of the National Development Council last week, said he has raised the issue with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as well. “We have opposed the new mining legislation and...

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‘FoRest diversion for Posco project ignored FoRest Rights Act' by Satyasundar Barik

A committee of the Ministry of Environment and FoRests (MOEF) on Saturday found that the green signal for land acquisition for the proposed Posco-India steel plant project in Orissa's Jagatsinghpur district was given, ignoring implementation of the FoRest Rights Act, 2006. The three-member committee that visited villages facing displacement observed that foRest land could not be diverted for other purposes without settlement of rights under the FRA. It asked villagers to...

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Debt-hit Vidarbha farmers stare at land loss

SCORES of farmers mired in debt in the arid cotton belt of Vidarbha in Maharashtra are close to losing their property rights, as the state-controlled Land Development Bank has kick-started the process to recover dues from them. A top revenue ministry official said the process to recover loans by selling off land belonging to those farmers who have defaulted is “definitely on” and could start as early as July 23....

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Lessons from America & beyond by Biraj Patnaik

The National Advisory Council, led by UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi, has come up with the muchawaited contours of the National Food Security Act. The NFSA, it is hoped, will become India’s flagship programme for tackling hunger and malnutrition, equal in scale and vision to the ambitious and highly successful Fome Zero Programme launched by President Lula Da Silva in Brazil. The UPA government is also hoping that the NFSA will...

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