-The News Minute In 1996, when B K Uniyal went through the names of 700 accredited journalists in Delhi, he couldn’t identify a single Dalit among them. He realized that not once in his 30 years in the profession had he met a Dalit journalist. In 2013, Ajaz Ashraf found 21 across the country. On April 12, 2015, that tiny number shrunk even further with the death of Koppula Nagaraju, a...
The Life And Death Of A Dalit Journalist -Manisha Pande
-Newslaundry.com The circumstances of Nagaraju Koppula’s death point to reasons why our newsrooms continue to be incapable of absorbing people from disadvantaged backgrounds. In a heavily contractualised media industry, unions have become a bad word and journalists associated with unions have come to be looked on as trouble makers. It’s no surprise, then, that lawyers, academics and activists outnumbered journalists at the condolence-cum-stocktaking meeting called on by the Delhi Union of Journalists...
More »Thought it was impossible to grow pesticide-free food? These villagers from Kozhikode prove you wrong -Dhanya Sukumaran
-The News Minute Kerala: A group of 101 families has created a small yet strong challenge to the idea that farming requires modern science to thrive. Since 2006, Vengeri, a village in Kozhikode district, has revolutionized everyday living and has set an example by not only managing sustainable organic farming, challenging genetically modified crops and also efficient waste management practices. Thanks to Niravu, a residential association of 100 odd homes, today Vengeri is...
More »Prof. Abhijit Sen, former Member of Planning Commission, speaks to Latha Venkatesh & Sonia Shenoy
-MoneyControl.com The MET department has forecasted presence of El Nino for the second year in a row, only this time it is expected to be much stronger. Simultaneously the agriculture ministry has also submitted a report on unseasonal rains that impacted the Rabi crops last fiscal. Will the agri community face the curse of weather gods once again? Abhijit Sen, professor of economics at JNU, says a depressed rural income is...
More »257 farmers committed suicide in Maharashtra this year -Gargi Parsai
-The Hindu Agriculture a State subject, Central help supplementary: Minister The Maharashtra government has reported 257 suicides by farmers in the State between January and March this year resulting from the agrarian crisis. “The government of Maharashtra has reported that 257 farmers have committed suicide in the State due to agrarian reasons during the period January to March 2015,” Minister of State for Agriculture Mohanbhai Kundaria said in a written reply to a...
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