Total Matching Records found : 7271

When paddy turns poison by Jaideep Hardikar

When he drank poison on January 11, farmer Hargovind Harne’s run-down hut was bursting with freshly harvested paddy. Yet he was neck-deep in debt. Even the bottle of pesticide that he used to take his own life had been bought on credit, as the bill shows. His large stock of grain wasn’t the only puzzle in the 47-year-old’s suicide. Vidarbha is infamous for continuing suicides by cotton farmers but Harne grew food,...

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Delay in monsoon may spell doom for farmers by Nidhi Nath Srinivas

So it's not going to be a normal monsoon . That's hardly surprising. Indian rainfall is erratic in four out of 10 years. About 80% of our land mass is highly vulnerable to drought, floods and cyclones. 50 million Indians are exposed to drought every year. The agriculture ministry says 68% of India's sown area is subject to drought in varying degrees. Annual average rainfall is 1,160 mm. However, 85% of...

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NHRC proposes, Bihar Police HQ disposes

-The Times of India   In a brazen bid to hoodwink the National Human Rights Commission, the Bihar Police headquarters has sat on a DIG's inquiry report on alleged violation of human rights by a district SP and instead forwarded to it an IG's opinion on the report, trashing the DIG's findings that policemen tortured prisoners inside Bettiah jail on the night of May 29-30, 2009. Ironically, the DIG's report was...

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Ending Indifference: A Law to Exile Hunger? by Harsh Mander

  Can we agree in this country on a floor of human dignity below which we will not allow any human being to fall? No child, woman or man in this land will sleep hungry. No person shall be forced to sleep under the open sky. No parent shall send their child out to work instead of to school. And no one shall die because they cannot afford the cost of...

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The Water Purifier Comes Built-In

-Outlook   The secret behind the Ganga’s ability to self-rejuvenate its waters continues to elude discovery In 2009, when C.S. Nautiyal, now the director of Lucknow’s National Botanical Research Institute, spiked a fresh Ganga water sample with an infectious strain of Escherichia coli to test the Ganga’s reported self-healing qualities, he found that the bacteria lasted no longer than three days. He repeated the experiment with a 16-year-old sample of Ganga...

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