Total Matching Records found : 9674

Food security with free rotis -Ajit Ranade

-Mumbai Mirror Instead of selling highly subsidised rice and wheat, we need to get food into hungry stomachs. The level of development of a country can be measured in many different ways. You could use average income of every person (i.e. GDP divided by population), or you can use average spending. You can count the number of millionaires or billionaires. You can count number of mobile connections, or cars on the road....

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Unseasonsal rain, hailstorms trigger Farmers’ suicides in Maharashtra, 18 dead -Chittaranjan Tembhekar

-The Times of India MUMBAI: The issue of Farmers' suicide seems to have resurfaced with a vengeance in Maharashtra following the recent bout of unseasonal showers and hailstorms in the state. While sources working closely with the government have said that around 18 Farmers have killed themselves between February 22 and March 18, social activists claim the figure could be between 80 and 100 - more than the average for every...

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US asks India to submit data on food security scheme to WTO -Amiti Sen

-The Hindu Business Line     Questions efficiency of country's food subsidy programmes  Targeting India's Food Security Programme, the US has questioned its efficiency and has said that the country should spell out measures to increase the programme's effectiveness. It has also demanded that India submit all relevant statistics and documents on the programme to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in order to gain immunity against penalties in case subsidies breach specified limits. "The matter will...

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A Farmer who has made a difference-MJ Prabu

-The Hindu Jai Prakash Singh has won many awards for his work to preserve native seeds A Varanasi Farmer, Jai Prakash Singh, is a proud recipient of three awards - two from former Presidents in 2002 and 2009, and the Plant Genome award from the government for his outstanding role in preserving hundreds of native seed varieties. The Farmer has to his credit about 460 paddy, 120 wheat, 30 pulse and four mustard...

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India's rice warrior battles to build living seed bank as climate chaos looms-John Vidal

-The Guardian Rice conservationist Debal Deb grapples with 'mindless Indian elite' to reintroduce genetically diverse, drought-tolerant varieties   Fifty years ago, every Indian village would probably have grown a dozen or more rice varieties that grew nowhere else. Passed down from generation to generation and family to family, there would have been a local variety for every soil and taste - rice that would grow well in droughts or deep floods, which had...

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