A combination of factors LED by state policy has enabLED the southern State to become a notable achiever with respect to some key indicators of development. In 2001, Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen recorded an eyebrow-raising fact in his book, “Development as Freedom”, that Tamil Nadu and Kerala had both achieved much faster rates of decline in fertility than China had achieved since it introduced its one-child policy. That same year, the international...
The backlash begins against the world landgrab by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The neo-colonial rush for global farmland has gone exponential since the food scare of 2007-2008. Last week's long-delayed report by the World Bank suggests that purchases in developing countries rose to 45m hectares in 2009, a ten-fold jump from levels of the last decade. Two thirds have been in Africa, where institutions offer weak defence. As is by now well-known, sovereign wealth funds from the Mid-East, as well as state-entities from China,...
More »Indian farmers' visit America's biggest farm show by MJ Prabu
Croplife International, Crop life Asia and the Association of Biotechnology LED enterprises special Interest group of Agri Biotechnology (Able-sigab) invited a delegation of Indian farmers to participate in a farm progress show held in Iowa, U.S., recently. The annual farm show being held for nearly last 55 years, holds a reputation as a U.S. premier farm show. Every year the show is held in different parts of America. India lags behind Mr. K.K....
More »Industrializing India leaves little room for farmers by CJ Kuncheria
Jagdishji Vaghela is one of hundreds of thousands of farmers standing in the way of India's breakneck economic expansion. Determined not to give up his land for an industrial park in the western state of Gujarat, the 55-year-old farmer scorns at talk of how the benefits of industrialization in Asia's third-largest economy will trickle down to people like him. Despite a nearby plant producing what is touted as the world's cheapest car,...
More »India, Brazil discuss ethanol production, agriculture
India has discussed the possibility of ethanol production with Brazil during the current visit of the Indian Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar to the South American giant. A press release issued here by the agriculture ministry Tuesday said that the minister held bilateral meetings with his Brazilian counterpart, Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply Wagner Rossi. 'Both sides discussed the matters of mutual interest including the possibilities of cooperation in production of...
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