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Blinkered vision by Vandana Prasad

If recent indicators are anything to go by – the failure to keep food prices down, the proposed national food security Act, the failure to ensure even minimum wages to construction workers at projects for the upcoming Commonwealth Games in New Delhi, to recount a few – it seems the country has given up even the pretence of caring about its children or their crippling, unbudging state of malnutrition. Leaders,...

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Dividing children by TK Rajalakshmi

The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme has been conceived as a major intervention by the Central government to deal with the high rates of infant mortality, low birth weight, and malnutrition among women and children. The scheme essentially targets children in the age group of zero to six years and women in the reproductive age group. The problem is that the ICDS is seen as the success story behind...

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Stamp of possibility by Bhaskar Dutta

An inquiry committee appointed by the Supreme Court to look into the functioning of the public distribution system has just turned in a damning report to the effect that the system is riddled with corruption and has virtually collapsed in some states. This observation will not come as a surprise to most people. Indeed, it is not a coincidence that even the Central government’s own Economic Survey mentions the need...

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Ration limit

The Supreme Court today acknowledged that the income ceilings to get BPL ration cards was “very low”, but appeared to suggest it was for the government to raise the limit to realistic levels. “Nobody can dispute the fact that the problem is enormous. Given the fact that the purchasing power of Money is so low, even if a family’s daily income is Rs 30 or Rs 40, they should get BPL...

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Where there is a Manoj Kumar

A nation where hungry children are forced to eat mud has no right to call itself a superpower or a civilised nation. What makes such reports frustrating for someone like me, who has been feeding poor children for the past one decade, is that reaching food to hungry children is not complicated or costly. It costs very little to give a child the required amount of calories and supplements she...

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