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With growing debt and farmer suicides, agrarian crisis in India on the rise

-The New Indian Express As polling season concludes across the country, The Sunday Standard puts an ear to the ground and listens in to the expectations that India has from its next government NEW DELHI: Agrarian irony cries out in Punjab, the food bowl of the country, with farmers’ indebtedness only growing in recent years.    The agrarian irony is marked by overproduction in the face of inadequate price, with lopsided institutional credit,...

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A Simmering Unemployment Crisis in India -Shaguna Kanwar Amongst all the criticism, the Centre has been tight-lipped about employment data post demonetisation. The issue of ‘unemployment’ is being widely discussed across India. The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) data for 2017–2018 says that the unemployment rate hit 6.1%, the highest in 45 years. Even the opposition has intensified its criticism of the present government, which had promised to create 2 crore jobs each year. In a recent interview, in response...

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Farmers' Suicide Dictated Her Marriage, and Now Drives Her to Fight an Election -Kabir Agarwal Veerpal Kaur, who lost her father and then husband to the growing spate of farmer suicides in Punjab, says neither the SAD-BJP alliance nor the Congress is addressing the issue. Dharamvir Singh was being considered, one thing played in their favour – both the bride and groom had lost their fathers, both farmers, to suicide. Kaur’s father drank poison in 1995 and Singh’s hanged himself in 1990. “That was what clinched it....

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Anaemia is a public health emergency that needs to be addressed immediately -Alok Kumar & Vedeika Shekhar

-The Indian Express Fortifying staples with essential nutrients holds the key in fight against anaemia. The daily consumption of iron rich dark green leafy vegetables has reduced from 64 per cent to 48 per cent of the population in the last decade. India has been able to dramatically reduce the number of people living in extreme poverty from 306 million people living on less than $1.90 (on a PPP basis) a...

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How to conduct, read exit polls -Sanjay Kumar

-The Indian Express With various forecasts for the Lok Sabha election results out, which ones are more reliable than others? A veteran analyst describes the various methods, challenges and shortcomings in conducting an exit poll. How does the common man judge which exit poll is most reliable? Rely on the one whose numbers you like the most and dismiss the one whose numbers you dislike? Today, some even judge the accuracy...

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