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Anna Hazare: 'Gandhi Lite'?

-Agence France-Presse He may dress, talk and fast like his hero Mahatma Gandhi, but critics say anti-graft activist Anna Hazare has only managed to co-opt the style, not the substance, of India's independence icon. The figure of Gandhi looms large - and literally - over Hazare's anti-corruption campaign, with a giant photograph of the apostle of non-violence providing the backdrop to the 74-year-old's public hunger strike. Hazare's speeches are peppered with Gandhian references...

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What college students in India think on Anna Hazare's Lokpal

-Sri Lanka Guardian   There is now huge debate in India on corruption issues. Anna Hazare , a social activist has launched agitation demanding introduction of separate law to create ombudsman (Lokpal), to put down corruption in the country. There is difference of views between government of India and Anna Hazare on the content of the proposed law. Nandini Voice For The Deprived, a Chennai based NGO , organized a debate competition at...

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Water, not debt, driving farmers to death

-DNA   Water scarcity is the main reason behind the suicide of farmers according to an approach paper on the 12th Five Year Plan (2012 to 2017) prepared by two Tamil Nadu-based experts. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, one farmer commits suicide every 30 minutes. The main cause of these suicides is non-availability of water at the initial stage of the crops leading to the ruining of crops and the subsequent...

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Food inflation rises to 9.80% for week ended August 13

-PTI   Inching closer to the crucial double-digit mark, food inflation rose to 9.80% for the week ended August 13 on the back of dearer onions, potatoes, fruits and protein-based items. Food inflation, as measured by Whole Price Index (WPI), stood at 9.03% in the previous week. The rate of price rise of food items in the corresponding week of August, 2010, was 14.56%. As per data released by the government today, the price...

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Why the Ramlila surge worries minorities and those on margins by Seema Chishti

In the unseen and unheard margins of Team Anna’s Ramlila Surge, there’s a growing sense of disquiet —especially among minority and marginalised groups. Despite carefully choreographed images of Muslim children publicly breaking their Ramzaan fast with Anna Hazare, prominent Dalit, Muslim and Christian leaders are deeply suspicious of the faces on display and the voices emanating from the crowds. They argue that Anna’s ends — fighting corruption — is undoubtedly justified, they...

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