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Potato prices to fall on good stocks, new crop by Sandip Das

After a significant jump in retail price of potato in the last two weeks due to disruption of supplies on account of heavy rain in northern India, prices are all set to fall because of huge stocks with traders in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, the two biggest potato producing states and expected arrival of the new crop from Punjab next month. Traders in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, who were...

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“Judicious combination of manures, fertilizers ensures food security” by MJ Prabu

Growing organic foods is a matter of individual or enterprise preference “Though organic farming today seems a desirable proposition in increasing food production it is not entirely feasible because enough organic manures are not available in our country to meet the requirements,” says Dr. K. Kumaraswamy, former Professor of Soil Science, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. “Growing organic foods are a matter of individual or enterprise preference. If one wants to do...

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All-party team to meet PM on drought

Chief minister Arjun Munda today chaired his first all-party meeting that resolved to meet the Prime Minister and request him for a package to help the state execute drought relief measures, signalling an effort to build consensus among his allies and the Opposition on serious and contentious issues facing Jharkhand. Attended by all ministers, except deputy chief minister Sudesh Mahto, who is away at Vaishno Devi for a pilgrimage — Chandra...

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Guru: Paddy storage capacity to increase

To meet the rising demand of storage space for food grains, especially during procurement seasons, the Food Corporation of India (FCI) and other agencies have invited tenders for 70 lakh metric tonnes of storage capacity. Principal Secretary to the Punjab Chief Minister Darbara Singh Guru, who was here to take stock of the arrangements of paddy procurement at the grain markets in border districts, said this on Tuesday. Talking to the...

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Food security

The spectre of a global food crisis has reared its head again. Soaring corn prices, which on Monday recorded their biggest one-day rise since 1973, have triggered fears of a return to the turmoil of 2007-2008. Far-reaching measures are needed to prevent a recurrence. Rising prices over the last decade are in part the result of burgeoning demand from emerging markets such as China and India. The emergence of commodities as...

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