-The Hindu Mumbai: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has named Gulab Chand Kataria, a senior leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) from Rajasthan, in the supplementary charge sheet it filed on Tuesday in the Sohrabuddin Sheikh fake encounter case. The former Rajasthan Home Minister is the second prominent BJP leader to be named in the case after the former Gujarat Home Minister, Amit Shah. Sessions court in Mumbai has issued...
CPM rolls up the rope-JP Yadav
-The Telegraph Meet the Merciful Marxists, never mind the Bolsheviks preferred a bullet to the head and Meera Bhattacharjee graced a public platform in Calcutta to seek the death penalty. Prakash Karat today said the CPM had decided to advocate without exception the abolition of death penalty, almost a decade after its Bengal unit led a vociferous campaign to hang teen rapist and killer Dhananjoy Chatterjee. "The central committee has decided that...
More »Why Orissa mining may not go the Goa way -Meera Mohanty
-The Economic Times Three weeks ago, when the Supreme Court reopened the iron-ore mining door some more in Karnataka, miners in Orissa breathed a Rs 50,000 crore sigh of relief. Also in the dock for some offences of a similar nature, Orissa's iron-ore miners, who produce a third of this mineral that is critical to steel, had been dreading their fate, which lay in the hands of a Central government panel. The...
More »Between life and death, the crucial difference -V Venkatesan
-The Hindu Had the court known that Pratibha Patil was not told of the dissent in the Bhullar case, the outcome of his appeal might have been similar to that of Das's plea The Supreme Court, in the course of just one month, has rendered two judgments that appear to be contradictory. As both the judgments have been rendered by the same Bench, comprising two judges, they need to be studied...
More »Where there is a will, not bill, there is a way
-The Telegraph Two companies running investment schemes have been shut down in Bengal within 48 hours of little more than an assertion by the chief minister, raising questions why the Trinamul government dragged its feet on Saradha by citing lack of legislation and complaints. Police have sealed some offices of MPS Greenery Developers Ltd and Prayag Infotech Hi-Rise Ltd following complaints of cheating. Both figure on a list of companies against which...
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