-The Indian Express Even as the Samajwadi government in Uttar Pradesh draws flak for delaying the Arrest of politicians who allegedly fomented trouble ahead of the Muzaffarnagar riots, the Association of Democratic Research has found that 11 MPs and 26 MLAs across the country have been accused of attempting to whip up religious sentiments or wilfully damaging places of worship. The figures were collated after analysing affidavits submitted by candidates at...
India Matters: Food secure in the Capital -Sutapa Deb
-NDTV The debate on the merits and demerits of the National Food Security Bill went on for months. But most of it seems disconnected to the reality on the ground to the churning lakhs of low income families are experiencing as they register for the new scheme. There is anxiety and desperation to get subsidised foodgrain. In the office of the Food and Supply Officer in Delhi's north east district, many have...
More »136 cases of minors in adult jails, police promise action -Aneesha Mathur
-The Indian Express New Delhi: A month after a Delhi Legal Services Authority (DLSA) report was filed in the Delhi High Court, stating that 162 juveniles were lodged in jails meant for adult undertrials, Delhi Police said it has initiated departmental action against erring investigating officers in the cases. The Delhi High Court has been monitoring the issue of juveniles being put in jails due to errors or deliberate misrecording of age...
More »Millionaire mukhiyas -Alok Gupta
-Down to Earth Money pumped in development schemes in Bihar is giving rise to a new breed of village heads, flush with money and flexing muscles About a year ago killings and a spurt in the purchase of arms and luxury vehicles in extremely backward villages started to bother the Bihar police. It spied and found that mukhiyas, or village heads, had multiplied their assets beyond imagination. It took the police six...
More »Muzaffarnagar 2013 – Violence by Political Design: Centre for Policy Analysis
-Kafila.org This fact-finding exercise was coordinated by the CENTRE FOR POLICY ANALYSIS. Team members were the human rights activist and former civil servant Harsh Mander; former Director-General of the Border Security Force, E N Rammohan; Professor Kamal Mitra Chenoy of Jawaharlal Nehru University; National Integration Council member John Dayal; senior journalist Sukumar Muralidharan and CPA Director and senior editor Seema Mustafa. Introduction and Overview The first impression of the Muzaffarnagar countryside, now green...
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