-The Hindu The Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Bill, 2016, better known as Aadhaar Bill, was introduced in Lok Sabha on March 3. The Bill intends to provide for targeted delivery of subsidies and services to individuals residing in India by assigning them unique identity numbers. Parliament is debating on the certain portions of the Bill, which may need clarification or amendments: 1. Allowing private agencies to use...
Show Me The Money -PDT Achary
-The Indian Express In spite of attempts to dress it as one, Aadhaar bill is not a money bill. The issue of bills being categorised as money bills in an attempt to circumvent the Rajya Sabha has once again become live. On Friday, the Lok Sabha passed the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Bill, 2016, which Finance Minister Arun Jaitley asserted was a money bill....
More »PDS rice finds its way into open market -Ravi P Benjamin
-TheHansIndia.com Anantapur: The Telugu Desam government’s pet subsidised rice scheme conceived by the party’s founder N T Rama Rao has helped the party ride to power several times in the past. But the same scheme is now being watered down by the Beneficiaries themselves, both eligible and ineligible, apart from the deep nexus between the dealers and black marketeers. About 40 percent of both eligible and ineligible ration cardholders are actually defeating...
More »Over 80 lakh households have given up LPG subsidy: Pradhan
-The Hindu Campaign is part of government’s endeavour to reduce LPG subsidy bill More than 80 lakh households have given up LPG subsidy under the ‘Give it Up’ scheme, as of March 3, 2016, Oil Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said.The ‘Give it Up’ campaign is part of the government’s endeavour to reduce its LPG subsidy bill. Under the scheme, LPG users who can afford to pay the market rate for the fuel are encouraged...
More »Budget 2016: In the right direction -S Mahendra Dev
-The Indian Express Budget 2016 has a greater focus on the rural and social sectors. But the challenge will lie in improving delivery systems. Indian agriculture as well as the rural sector have been in distress in the last two years due to deficit rainfall and the decline in global commodity prices. The rural non-agriculture sector, too, has been under stress due to the lack of demand for manufacturing and services. It...
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