-The Hindu In a letter addressed to Union Minister Mansukh Mandaviya, CM Naveen Patnaik said the State witnessed a severe shortage in the supply of different fertilisers during May, June and July. Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has sought the immediate restoration in supply of fertilisers as its shortage is likely to badly affect Kharif crop season. In a letter addressed to Union Minister of Chemicals and Fertilisers Mansukh Mandaviya on Saturday, Mr....
Amidst Rain, Kisan Sansad Takes on Contract Farming -Indra Shekhar Singh
-TheWire.in 'They made us buy seeds and fertilisers when the market prices crashed. Then, Pepsi said my produce didn’t meet their grade.' New Delhi: It rained all day as another session of the Kisan Sansad (Farmers’ parliament) was in progress. Even a neem tree and a canopy couldn’t keep the Sansad venue from getting drenched. But this was no deterrent for those in attendance. The topic for the day was the Contract Farming...
More »Climate change is real: Severe drought hits Assam’s wet regions -Aatreyee Dhar
-Down to Earth Never seen a drought of this magnitude, claim Farmers; paddy crop affected Climate change is real. Droughts in the rainy state of Assam are not unheard of anymore. Warmer temperatures have affected the state’s tea gardens for a decade. Now, places recently experiencing unexpected and longer dry spells are catching the eye. “Never before have I seen drought in this region,” said Dipantor Soh, a 28-year-old farmer from Mirigaon, a...
More »Bihar Farmers stare at huge loss of Kharif crops due to erratic monsoon rainfall -CK Manoj
-Down to Earth Late transplantation of paddy crops may lead to crop yield loss of up to 50 per cent An erratic monsoon has dented the hopes of Bihar’s Farmers of a good Kharif 2021. The rainfall was very heavy in parts of the state and scanty in others, because of which the cultivators have not been able to transplant paddy seedlings or sow maize seeds. Around 50 per cent of the...
More »Need for more weather safety awareness and lightning warning tools to save human lives
Media reports indicate that at the start of the southwest monsoon season, lightning strikes caused the death of over 70 people in the states of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh on a single day i.e. 11th July, 2021. Prior to those separate events related to human casualty caused by thunderbolts, eighteen elephants were found dead on a hilltop at Kandali Proposed Reserve Forest situated in Assam's Nagaon district on...
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