-The Hindu The new Constitution Bench will sit for the first time on October 14. Over 60 years after an eight-judge Bench declared that Right to Privacy is not a fundamental right, the Supreme Court on Thursday decided to set up another Constitution Bench to re-look the question in the LIGht of raging controversy that the Aadhaar card scheme is an invasion into citizen's privacy. In 1954, the Supreme Court Bench led by...
Aadhaar-based fertilizer subsidy transfer in limbo -Saurabh Kumar
-Livemint.com Given condition of land records and problems in identifying actual beneficiaries, the task is gigantic, say analysts New Delhi: The Aadhaar-based direct benefit transfer (DBT) of fertilizer subsidies may not see the LIGht of day anytime soon. “The roll-out of DBT in fertilizer will take some time because there are various hurdles,” said a government official, who is working on DBT. The official, who requested anonymity, said that “this is more challenging”...
More »LPG subsidy transfer: Centre’s savings not more than Rs 143 cr, while it claims Rs 12,700 cr -Udit Misra
-The Indian Express The NDA initially reintroduced DBT for LPG in 54 districts in mid-November 2014, with nationwide roll out to all districts from January 2015. A study by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) states that the government’s claims of savings due to a shift towards direct benefit transfer (DBT) for LPG (also called PAHAL) are “large overestimates”. IISD has shown that as against the publicly touted figure of...
More »My grandson wears mask: CJI HL Dattu on Delhi pollution -Utkarsh Anand
-The Indian Express Justice Dattu was responding to a submission from senior lawyer Harish Salve that he had to take a steroid for the first time last week to tackle breathing problems caused by pollution in the national capital. New Delhi: A hearing on air pollution in Delhi led to an unusual admission in the Supreme Court on Monday by Chief Justice of India H L Dattu — his grandson “looks...
More »NCRB data: 21% undertrials lodged in jails are Muslims -Deeptiman Tiwary
-The Indian Express An analysis of NCRB’s prison data of states with significant Muslim population also revealed that in some states the ratio of percentage of Muslim undertrials in jails to that of the population is almost 2:1. Muslims make up for over 21 per cent of all undertrials lodged in various jails in the country even as their population is just over 14 per cent of the country’s total population,...
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