A day after initiating land acquisition process for Posco-India’s mega steel plant project near Paradip, the Orissa government on Wednesday said 470 families could face displacement due to the mega plant. “The Rehabilitation and Periphery Development Advisory Committee (RPDAC) had already finalised a compensation package for the affected families,” Revenue and Disaster Management Minister Suryanarayan Patra informed the State Assembly. The steel major required 4,004 acres for the Rs. 51,000 crore project...
“Agroecology outperforms large-scale industrial farming for global food security,” says UN expert
“Governments and international agencies urgently need to boost ecological farming techniques to increase food production and save the climate,” said UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier De Schutter, while presenting the findings at an international meeting on agroecology held in Brussels on 21 and 22 June. Along with 25 of the world’s most renowned experts on agroecology, the UN expert urged the international community to re-think current agricultural...
More »Jail for vendors who ripen fruits with chemicals by Kounteya Sinha
Regular helpings of fruit are a dietary given, but increasing use of harmful chemicals for artificially ripening has often left buyers helpless. The Union health ministry has now stepped in, deciding to punish guilty vendors with up to six months in jail and fine of Rs 1,000. Vendors often resort to use of chemicals such as calcium carbide to ripen fruits, specially mangoes, bananas, papayas, apples and plums before time....
More »Green Revolution's diet of big carbon savings by Richard Black
The revolution of the 1960s saved decades worth of greenhouse gas emissions. The Green Revolution of the 1960s raised crop yields and cut hunger — and also saved decades worth of greenhouse gas emissions, a study concludes. U.S. researchers found cumulative global emissions since 1850 would have been one third as much again without the Green Revolution's higher yields. Although modern farming uses more energy and chemicals, much less land needs...
More »How fruit trees in Indian village save girls' lives by Amarnath Tewary
In India, where traditionally boys have been preferred over girls, a village in backward Bihar state has been setting an example by planting trees to celebrate the birth of a girl child. In Dharhara village, Bhagalpur district, families plant a minimum of 10 trees whenever a girl child is born. And this practice is paying off. Nikah Kumari, 19, is all set to get married in early June. The would-be...
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