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Post-demonetisation, shell companies laundered at least Rs. 3,900 crore -Mahua Venkatesh

-Hindustan Times New Delhi: At least Rs 3,900 crore was laundered THRough shell companies between November-December after the ban on high-value banknotes, investigations by a central agency have found. The probe by the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) has also identified at least 54 people who helped 559 beneficiaries with laundering the illicit cash, sources said. The government recalled 500 and 1000-rupee notes on November 8 in a move it said was aimed...

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Crop prices: The pulse of producers -Vivek Deshpande

-The Indian Express Israel Khan grows arhar as an intercrop in alternate rows with soyabean and cotton. Amravati: Israel Khan from Dhamori, Nandakishor Babhulkar from Mhaispur, Arun Shende from Rajura, Amol Savai from Naya Akola, and Salim Shah Baba Shah from Pusda — all villages in Amravati district — have the same story to tell. As farmers of arhar (pigeon pea) — a crop in the news not too long ago...

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Determinants of Child Malnutrition in Tribal Areas of Madhya Pradesh -Rajesh Mishra

-Economic and Political Weekly Rajesh Mishra ( is working with the National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development, Ministry of Women and Child Development, GoI, Indore.   A research study conducted in THRee tribal districts— Alirajpur, Barwani and Khandwa—of Madhya Pradesh, based on a sample of 294 women with their last child in the age-group of six months–five years analyses the status and determinants of malnutrition and child death. Despite certain infant...

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Getting a handle on water for agriculture use -Ashok Gulati & GayaTHRi Mohan

-The Indian Express In Budget 2017-18, a sum of Rs 7,377 crore has been allocated to the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana, a 42 per cent jump over the revised estimates for FY17. India is home to 17.5 per cent of the world’s population, but has only 4 per cent of the fresh water resources. Agriculture consumes some 78 per cent of the fresh water supply. With increasing urbanisation and industrialisation, India...

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Arun Jaitley demonetises cash ban criticism, says 'no currency inadequacy for even a day' -Abantika Ghosh

-The Indian Express He said the RBI board had “independently applied its mind” to send the relevant recommendation to the government. THERE WAS never any shortage of currency in the aftermath of the decision to demonetise high-value currency, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley told the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday while answering a clutch of questions on the issue. “At no point of time, not for a single day, was the currency inadequate. As...

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