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India's IP status unlikely to improve in US Special 301 report -Nayanima Basu

-Business Standard It is an annual review of the state of IPR protection and enforcement of America's trading partners Notwithstanding the recent bonhomie of sorts between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Barack Obama, India's status as ‘Priority Watch List' country for having an alleged weak intellectual property rights (IPR) and patents regime is unlikely to see any improvement in the US' 2015 Special 301 Report. The 2015 Special 301 Report is...

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These rancid rankings -Shamnad Basheer

-The Indian Express "If we did not have a patent system, it would be irresponsible, on the basis of our present knowledge of its economic consequences, to recommend instituting one." So said Fritz Machlup, a wise American economist several decades ago. His words remain as true now as they were then. For, the patent system is one of the most faulty legal regimes that one could possibly have conceived. It purports...

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A new menu -Ajay Chhibber

-The Indian Express ONE of the late R.K. Laxman's best cartoons from the mid-1960's portrays a smiling food minister looking out of a window at a heavy monsoon downpour saying, "This year we can tell the Americans to go to hell." Fifty years ago, a good monsoon MEAnt that that year, India was not dependent on food aid and wouldn't have to go hat in hand to the Americans for food...

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Lot more needs to be done to stop farmer suicides -Sudhir Mungantiwar

-PTI MUMBAI: Facing criticism from its ally Shiv Sena over farmer suicides in the state's drought-hit regions, Maharashtra government has admitted that a lot more needs to be done to stop such incidents. The government is working towards increasing the agricultural productivity of farmers and some big MEAsures will be announced in the state budget in their interest, state Finance Minister Sudhir Mungantiwar said. Please click here to read more. ...

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Indian drug cos worried about patent regime changes -PT Jyothi Datta

-The Hindu Business Line Seek clarification on US trade representative's testimony that India has committed to address IP issues that concern America Mumbai: Has India informally agreed to make changes in its Intellectual Property Rights regime on the basis of US concerns? A sizeable section of the Indian pharmaceutical industry and some pro-health groups are worried that it has, following US Trade Representative Ambassador Michael Froman's testimony to the Senate Committee on...

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