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Right to clean air -Anurag Agrawal

-The Hindu As I write this column, my gaze is on the post-Deepavali haze that has enveloped Delhi. As a third-generation asthmatic, with a fourth-generation asthmatic daughter, it is set me wondering whether returning to Delhi, the city of my birth, from the United States a decade ago was a mistake. This haze is smog (smoke + fog), a hazardous mix of noxious gases and very high levels of suspended respirable...

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Passports don't need details of spouse or father: Panel to MEA -Shalini Nair

-The Indian Express In its report submitted to the MEA, the panel has said that in keeping with global practices, the ministry must consider doing away with these details. New Delhi: IN VIEW of complaints, especially from women, of procedural harassment in passport offices, an inter-ministerial panel has recommended that the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) should do away with the practice of printing details of a person’s father, mother or spouse...

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Data shows success of TB treatment in India is lower than government figures -Shreya Shah

-IndiaSpend Only 73% of one kind of TB cases registered for treatment were successfully treated, than the government-reported 84% success rate Only 73% of one kind of tuberculosis (TB) cases registered for treatment were successfully treated, much lower than the government-reported 84% success rate, according to a new study published in the United States and United Kingdom-based health journal Plos Medicine. Untreated or partially-treated TB patients may infect others, at least partially nullifying...

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Punjab: Farmers to escape fines for burning crops due to upcoming polls -Baishali Adak

-Mail Today "We do not wish to risk upsetting farmers just ahead of the polls," the Punjab agriculture department officials said. Punjab has pleaded helplessness on the farm fire menace clearly citing the impending Assembly elections in March-April 2017. Members of the Supreme Court-appointed Environment Pollution Control Authority (EPCA) told Mail Today that at two recent meetings, Punjab agriculture department officials prayed they may be excused from fining farmers for burning paddy...

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Scientists discover green rice in Chattisgarh -R Krishna Das

-Business Standard Chhattisgarh is traditionally known as the Rice Bowl of India as over 20,000 rice varieties have been found here Raipur: Chhattisgarh has discovered a new variety of rice that is light green in colour. &NBSp; Though the development is at an early stage, scientists in the state have started scientific study of the variety. Only after conducting a detailed research, the scientists will come out with the character of the seed. &NBSp; “The seed...

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