-The Indian Express At present, 11 weak PSBs out of the 21 State-owned banks are under the PCA, which kicks in when banks breach regulatory norms on issues such as minimum capital, amount of non-performing assets and return on assets. Lending to the corporate sector, particularly small and medium enterprises, is becoming INCreasingly difficult with more than half the country’s public sector banks (PSBs) now under the RBI’s Prompt Corrective Action (PCA)...
What Supreme Court's dilution of SC/ST Act means for Dalit women -Ragini Bhuyan
-Livemint.com Crimes against Dalit women constitute the biggest category of crimes against Dalits registered under the SC/ST Act Mumbai: A dilution of the stringent provisions of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 is going to affect Dalit women far more than men. Nearly a fifth of cases registered under the Atrocities Act are crimes against women. If one excludes the category “others” (which INCludes various miscellaneous crimes), crimes...
More »Rising petrol prices: What Narendra Modi said before 2014 and his govt did in 4 years -Prabhash K Dutta
-IndiaToday.in Rising prices INCluding those of petrol and diesel were among the reasons that brought down the UPA government of Manmohan Singh, whom the then Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi had described as a "Sardar (chief), who is not asardar (effective)". In May 2012, the UPA government had approved the steepest ever hike in petrol prices across the country. The petrol prices suddenly went up by Rs 7.54 per litre. Petrol price...
More »Why dogs, not hunting, threaten the future of the blackbuck today - Jay Mazoomdaar
-The Indian Express Booming Indian antelope populations threaten crops in many areas. Farmers are reluctant to strike against them, so the herds have only feral packs to fear. A couple of centuries ago, some four million blackbuck roamed the Indian landmass south of the Himalayas from undivided “Punjab to Nepal and probably in most parts of the Peninsula where the country is wooded and hilly, but not in dense jungle”. At...
More »Two endangered languages find their voice -M Somasekhar
-The Hindu Business Line Hyderabad University linguist discovers Walmiki and Malhar, spoken by small communities in Odisha. Hyderabad: A linguist from the University of Hyderabad (UoH) has stumbled on two languages called Walmiki and Malhar both predominantly in the remote region’s of Odisha. The languages are categorised `endangered’ as the number of people speaking is small. For instance Malhar is spoken by just 75 INCluding children from a particular community. These people live...
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