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Employment scheme becomes a huge hit with Gadchiroli tribals-Vivek Deshpande

-The Indian Express Nagpur: In Gadchiroli, where disadvantaged tribal youths have no employment opportunities other than in police and forest departments, a scheme providing assured jobs in five-star hotels and automobile and construction industries is proving to be a huge draw. ‘Skills development programme’ has since its launch in June last year provided jobs to over 170 youth with income ranging from Rs 4,000 to Rs 12,000. Those with a Rs-4,000 package are...

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UN and partners launch global campaign to reduce food waste

-The United Nations Consumers, food retailers and governments can take simple actions to dramatically reduce some 1.3 million tons of food waste every year, according to a new campaign launched today by the United Nations and its partners. Launched by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the UN food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and partners, the campaign – ‘Think, Eat, Save. Reduce Your foodprint’ – seeks to accelerate action to eliminate wasteful practices...

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Seeds Of A Divide -Mark Lynas and Vandana Shiva

-Outlook Environmentalist and author Mark Lynas now says GM crops are the answer to global food security. Vandana Shiva disagrees. The already heated debate about genetically modified (GM) foods in India has intensified thanks to a dramatic change in stance by environmentalist and author Mark Lynas,who now says GM crops are the answer to global food security. While India awaits two crucial reports on the topic, we interviewed Lynas and noted...

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IAY builds houses–for middlemen, not the needy -Pankaj Kumar

-Governance Now Villagers say they had to pay Rs 5,000-10,000 to get selected for the housing scheme Nalanda: Once again I paid a visit to Ravidas Tola neighbourhood in Maghra village of Biharsherif Block. Ravidas is a community that is classified as mahadalit, the most marginalized of the marginalized lot. It was early in the morning, and most people were in a rush as if in hurry to reach office. I stopped...

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Genetically Engineered “Terminator Seeds”. Death and Destruction of Agriculture-Colin Todhunter

-Global Research The widely held belief is that genetically modified ‘terminator seeds’ are not available on the commercial market anywhere. Since 2001, there has been a de facto worldwide moratorium on the use of terminator technology (UN Convention on Biological Diversity). By definition, such seeds are genetically engineered to make them sterile and unusable for replanting, resulting in farmers having to buy new seeds from a central supplier each year. Under Article...

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