-The Hindu The currencies of India, Indonesia, Brazil, South Africa and Turkey have fallen quite dramatically against the dollar in the past few months. Whatever their domestic weaknesses, the reasons for this unprecedented decline - ranging between 13 to 21 per cent - are primarily global. In the past 48 hours, as tension mounts in West Asia, an already unprecedented situation has become even more difficult. On Wednesday, the rupee, as...
Reviving Land Reforms?-Harsh Mander
-Economic and Political Weekly The government has notified a Draft Land Reforms Policy which, on paper, has all the requisites of an earnest programme. Yet, the near total failure of earlier efforts at land reforms in India leave little room for hope that something substantial will at last be done to combat landlessness. Harsh Mander (manderharsh@gmail.com) is with the Centre for Equity Studies, New Delhi, and works with survivors of mass violence,...
More »Amendment to National Food Security bill gets CCEA approval
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on Thursday cleared an amendment to National Food Security Ordinance, Food Minister K V Thomas said. The move would raise grain allocation to many states under the new food security law, increasing the subsidy burden by Rs 5,094 crore. "The cabinet has agreed to the demand of 18 states, including Kerala, Tamil Nadu, AsSAM Andhra Pradesh, for additional allocation of food...
More »Non-monetary indicator of poverty-RR Prasad
-Down to Earth Our policy makers should move away from the income criterion for estimating poverty and take cognisance of other indicators Amid mounting criticism and heated debates about the poverty line, a challenge has resurfaced to examine whether there could be a single non-monetary criterion of estimating poverty. A poverty line is a monetary cut-off point below which a person is deemed to be poor. Thus, any attempt to measure poverty...
More »Labouring for a cause-Aarti Dhar
-The Hindu Health activists demand public disclosure of maternal death reviews and the remedial action taken Twenty-two-year-old Kousalya (name changed), a Scheduled Caste woman in a remote village in Karnataka, was in an abusive marriage. She had suffered a late miscarriage in her first pregnancy and had been very careful with seeking antenatal care early in this pregnancy. She had moderate anaemia which was not identified or treated at the taluka hospital....
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