-The Indian Express Forest Rights Act is not an obstacle to growth. Its non-implementation will be politically counter-productive. The farmers’ and forest dwellers’ march from Nashik to Mumbai, and the Maharashtra government’s decision to approve most of their demands within the next six months, has established the fact that land and forest rights are going to be determining factors for political establishments across India. The protest in Mumbai tells us that a...
Kidnap and child rape top crime graph against children in India
-PTI The maximum cases were reported from West Bengal (15.1 per cent) during 2016. A total of 55,944 children were traced at the end of the year 2016 in the country. Crime against children in India has increased by a sharp 11 per cent between 2015 and 2016 , according to the latest data released by the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB). Going by absolute numbers, it’s an increase of 12,786 reported...
More »Marching against apathy -Ajay Vir Jakhar
-The Indian Express The country’s politics has ignored the farmers. Perhaps it is time they change the country’s politics Farmers in villages across the country have felt demeaned and disturbed by the insensitivity of successive governments at the Centre and in the states. The same anguish was felt by the agriculturists who walked more than 160 km from Nashik to Mumbai. The country’s politics has ignored farmers. Perhaps it is time that...
More »Farmer debts: Relief, the Kerala way -Shriya Mohan
-The Hindu Business Line Eleven years since its inception, the State’s farmer’s debt relief commission has quietly eased the burden of debt on poor farmers, and grown to be a model worth emulating Earlier this week 35,000 debt-ridden farmers coursed through Maharashtra, walking 180 km on blistered soles, to converge at Mumbai’s Azad Maidan demanding freedom from debt and fair compensation for their produce. As the government scrounged for solutions, it could’ve...
More »Cattle Breeding Policy: Desi breed conservation should not be at expense of farmers, milk output -Narayan G Hegde
-The Indian Express Lobbies with no stakes in dairy husbandry are undermining the achievements of crossbreeding through false glorification of the Indian cow. Livestock is an important asset for Indian farmers to supplement their agricultural income. Cattle and buffaloes have been traditionally maintained by them for milk production as well as manure and bullock supply. With 191 million cattle and 109 million buffaloes, India accounts for 30.3 per cent of the global...
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