-The Indian Express In yet another indication of the dismal performance of the scheme this financial year, less than 3 per cent households were able to complete the promised 100 days of employment under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) this year, effectively MEAning that 97 per cent of the beneficiaries have not been able to use the scheme to its maximum intended capacity. Introduced in February 2006, MGNREGA...
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-The Hindu Business Line Article 66A of the Information Technology Act has no place in a free and democratic society If everybody who ever offended anybody - intentionally or otherwise - is to be locked up, then half the country would be behind bars. It is astonishing, therefore, that provisions in the law which mandate precisely such an outcome for offending someone - without, moreover, even defining what exactly is MEAnt by...
More »Govt apathy fanning protests against hydro projects: Himachal experts panel -Chander Suta Dogra
-The Indian Express Chandigarh: A panel of experts appointed by the Himachal Pradesh government has said that popular opposition to large hydel power projects on the Sutlej is being fanned by the establishment's "indifference" to the problems of the people. The panel has rejected the conclusions of a report prepared earlier for the union government, which had said that the adverse impact of the projects can be mitigated by suitable MEAsures. "...Opposition to...
More »High pesticides in vegetables and other foods: Government report
-PTI NEW DELHI: A high level of pesticides was found in 509 samples out of 16,790 comprising veggies, fruits, spices, rice, wheat and other food items in 2013-14, said a latest government report. Most of the vegetables showed relatively higher pesticide residue detection in rainy season followed by summer and winter seasons, it said. However the samples of MEAt, milk and surface water did not have pesticides above maximum residue level, it...
More »The twist in the growth story -C Rangarajan
-The Hindu Reforms must be part of a continuing agenda. The basic principle guiding reforms must be to create a competitive environment with a stress on efficiency. In many ways the coming decade will be crucial for India as growth is the answer to many of its socio-economic problems The data on national income released recently give a new twist to India's growth story. The most significant change is with respect to...
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