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Rural India in grip of severe malnutrition -Gudipati Rajendera Kumar Even through the Indian economy has been growing steadily in the post-reform years, more and more people in rural India, where 833 million Indians (70 per cent) live, people are consuming fewer nutrients than are required to stay healthy, according to a National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau (NNMB) survey. In rural population, cereals and millets form the bulk of the diet. In general, the rural population subsisting on an inadequate diet as...

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Enrolment to engineering courses dips over stagnant job market -Neelam Pandey

-Hindustan Times Engineering appears to be losing its attraction as a top career option among Indians. The number of students getting admitted to government and private engineering colleges and institutes — excluding IITs and NITs — is recording a steady decline, by at least 100,000 in the past two years. Barely half of the number of seats across the country got filled last year. The All-India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) discussed the worrying...

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Massive Slump in MNREGA Work After Centre's Unofficial Instructions -Nitin Sethi The Centre’s off-record instructions through WhatsApp and a squeeze on funds made the rural work programme crash after a roaring first half of the year. This is second of a two-part series. Read part one here. The WhatsApp messages from the central rural development ministry to states had a chilling effect on the work given under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA) after the roaring demand growth in the...

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Hunger and hard facts -TK Rajalakshmi In the latest Global Hunger Index, India is bracketed in the category of countries where hunger levels are “serious”. But the policy responses on hunger and malnutrition in the country have been inadequate and faulty. In the second week of October, a few media reports in India highlighted significant data pertaining to global hunger. The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) had released its Global Hunger Index (GHI), rating 118...

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1m Indian TB patients fall off radar every year -Malathy Iyer

-The Times of India MUMBAI: A close-up of India's tuberculosis epidemic shows, for the first time, how a million of the now 2.8 million TB patients go 'missing' or never show up in the Revised National TB Control Programme. Almost 28% of the patients don't have access a government TB centre and around half a million patients either never complete their long diagnostic process or medical treatment, found a joint study by...

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