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Chhattisgarh govt pays for all TV news that is fit to buy-Ashutosh Bhardwaj

-The Indian Express Raipur: In May 2010, Hindi TV channel Sahara Samay presented a five-point proposal to the public relations department of the Chhattisgarh government about covering government activities during 2010-11: 1. Two-minute special package: Sahara Samay will show the package 15 times a day during news bulletins. It will contain “CM’s speeches, government policies, and special news related to various departments.” Cost: Rs 3.28 crore per year at Rs 3,000 per...

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An Empty Table at Doha Climate Talks -Stephen Leahy

-IPS News Doha: United Nations climate talks are on the edge of collapse Thursday, according to a coalition of civil society and representatives from half of the world’s countries. Once again, rich industrialised nations are putting nothing on the table in terms of increased emissions cuts and financial support for poor nations, said Celine Charveriat, director of advocacy and campaigns for Oxfam International. “This is just like WTO (World Trade Organisation) negotiations where...

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Multiple LPG connections without KYC will entail cancellation

-The Indian Express Cooking gas (LPG) consumers with multiple connections who do not submit Know Your Customer (KYC) forms by month end will lose subsidised LPG supply and will be charged commercial rates, the government said today. "The LPG gas connection of those multiple LPG connections holder who fail to furnish the KYC forms by the prescribed date, will be suo moto converted into Non-Domestic Exempted Categories (NDEC) rate connections," Minister of...

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All to the sweat shop-Bhavdeep Kang

-Tehelka Here are the gaping holes in the argument for FDI in retail. No smooth talk can pave over it TOUTED AS a cure-all for India’s economic ills, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail is at best an anodyne, and at worst, toxic. It is an attempt to lift markets by fabricating sentiment; signalling an economic turnaround without any concrete steps being taken to trim the fiscal deficit or boost manufacturing. All...

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Are genetically modified crops finally on their way out of India?-Darryl D’Monte

-First Post Predictably, the recommendation by an experts’ panel appointed by the Supreme Court  - that trials of genetically modified (GM) crops should be halted for 10 years – has stirred a hornet’s nest. Such a moratorium would include ongoing trials and the court rejected it. This follows on the heels of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Agriculture’s 492-page report published in August which asked for the banning of GM food crops...

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