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12 men owe 90% of total income tax dues

-The Financial Express The finance ministry today said income tax dues from 12 individuals, including stud-farm owner Hasan Ali Khan, account for 90 per cent of the total income tax outstanding. "The amount of outstanding income tax dues is a dynamic figure. As on September 30, 2010, about 90 per cent of the outstanding personal income-tax demand were due from 12 individual taxpayers," Minister of State for Finance S S Palanimanickam said...

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India trades up, finds census by Asit Ranjan Mishra & Shuchi Bansal

The latest round of data on the 2011 Census shows that the country is exhibiting distinct signs of trading up as material living conditions improve for large sections of the population. Although this aggregate picture is not uniform across the country, analysts believe that the upward material mobility in society is creating the basis of a new consumer boom in the economy—serving up a perfect backdrop ahead of the presentation of...

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A historic move to make drugs affordable-G Ananthakrishnan

India's use of the compulsory licensing provision under its patents law for the first time to make the patented cancer drug Nexavar available at affordable prices is an essential, although belated step to curb the mounting cost of drugs. The grant of the licence by the Controller-General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks to Natco Pharma for manufacture of the drug Sorafenib Tosylate (Nexavar) to treat liver and kidney cancer is...

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Road to cheaper drugs by Rupali Mukherjee

The government's decision to bust the price as well as monopoly of Bayer's anti-cancer drug, through the process of compulsory licensing now opens up the field for the generic industry to follow suit and could well pave the way for the availability of cheaper drugs for lifestyle diseases.  More generic companies could invoke the compulsory licensing clause of the Indian Patents Act, following Monday's decision to allow Natco Pharma to sell...

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Gotcha! Three sins of loan recovery

-The Telegraph Bengal’s co-operation department spent the better part of Tuesday on an unusual mission: how to enforce Mamata Banerjee’s very chief ministerial order to nail those who tried to recover money lent by a co-operative bank. “I have asked to lodge an FIR,” Mamata had declared yesterday while ordering the withdrawal of attachment notices on two farmers and announcing that the law will be changed to make government approval mandatory before...

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