When it comes to child under-nutrition, the proportion of stunted and underweight children below 5 years has reduced in India during the last ten years. However, a rising trend has been observed in the prevalence of wasting among children below 5 years between the last two rounds of National Family Health Survey (NFHS). The recently released data from NFHS-4 indicates that the proportion of under 5 year children who are...
Farm plots in Maharashtra becoming smaller -Zeeshan Shaikh
-The Indian Express The total agricultural land has also dipped by 1.18 per cent to 1.97 crore hectares of land. Mumbai: Even as clamour for farm loan waiver grows to afford temporary relief to farmers amid volatility in commodity PRIces and poor returns from farm produce, the state is facing a problem of increased fragmentation of agricultural land. Smaller plots not just bring down agricultural productivity, but also affects farmers’ economies...
More »The 'public' in public health -Vani S Kulkarni
-The Hindu The discourse must move beyond a top-down approach to listen to the people and formulate best insurance practices Much ink has been spilled in documenting the inadequacy of budgetary allocations for public health insurance, specifically for the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY), the world’s largest publicly-funded health insurance (PFHI) scheme. Though the 2017-18 budget allocation has marginally increased from last year’s revised estimates, it has declined relative to last year’s...
More »PKVY to promote traditional farming in Odisha
-The New Indian Express CUTTACK: In a bid to revive the traditional farming, which is now on the verge of extinction, the State government has decided to launch Paramparagata Krushi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) in 10 districts from the ensuing Kharif season. The scheme funded by the Centre and the State Government on 60:40 ratio will promote sustainable agriculture through organic method in Cuttack, Khurda, Nayagarh, Sambalpur, Bargarh, Sundargarh, Kandhamal, Koraput, Rayagada...
More »After cap, rise in complaints that hospitals hiking PRIce of non-stent components -Deepak Patel
-The Indian Express Responding to specific queries on the issue, Bhupendra Singh, NPPA chairman, told The Indian Express that “examination of hospital records is in process”. AFTER the National Pharmaceutical PRIcing Authority (NPPA) in February ordered a cap on the PRIces of coronary stents and directed hospitals to issue separate bills specifying their cost, the drug PRIcing watchdog has started receiving consumer complaints against hospitals which are allegedly hiking the PRIces...
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