-IPS News NEW DELHI: Despite being one of the world's fastest expanding economies, projected to clock seven-percent GDP growth in 2017, India - a nation of 1.2 billion - is trailing behind on many vital social development indices while also hosting one-fourth of the world's poor. While the United Nations prepares to wrap up a decade-and-a-half of poverty alleviation efforts, framed through the lens of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), by the...
Food security, a slippery slope -S Ramadorai
-The Hindu Business Line There's no Malthusian problem right now, but without sustainable farming the world will be in serious trouble Food security, a seemingly innocuous phrase, is fast becoming one of the most widely discussed topics of our time. A lot of us would associate ‘food security' as a challenge for the impoverished but it could potentially become a much more widespread problem straddling across geographic and economic divides. The issue of...
More »PM2.5 level in Delhi 10 times more than WHO limits: Greenpeace
-PTI In an alarming news about the quality of air in Delhi, a survey has found the deadly PM2.5 levels in the national capital was 10 times higher than the safety limit prescribed by the World Health Organisation. Air quality monitoring survey conducted by Greenpeace inside five prominent schools in the city also found that the PM2.5 levels were four times more against the prescribed Indian safety limits. "The real-time monitoring data from...
More »Ethical Mining: Permanent Funds & Inter-generational Equity
The Publics and Policies Programme of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) in partnership with Goa Foundation and the Inclusive Media for Change is holding deliberations on “Permanent Fund Model for Ethical Mining: Land, Livelihoods and Intergenerational Equity” starting with a one-day conference on Feb 18 at India International Centre, New Delhi. The debate will continue on the im4change website. The idea is to discuss natural resources extraction...
More »'Changes in PDS may affect food security of half of Indians'
Any change in the Public Distribution System (PDS) needs to be undertaken with extreme caution since it is likely to affect the food security of 50 percent of India's population. This has been stated by National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) in a recent research brief. The note from NCAER is based on India Human Development Survey (2011-12) data. In the IHDS, nearly 42,000 households from 33 states and...
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