-The Hindu Business Line The new travel policy in Delhi can lead to a commuting disaster if public transport is not able to absorb the surplus Currently, 56.81 lakh two-wheelers and 27.90 lakh cars and jeeps ply on Delhi’s roads, according to the official state government statistics. These figures don’t include the taxis. Which means a total of 84.71 lakh private vehicles. In most cases, one vehicle equates to one person. Let’s say...
The mystery behind the spurt in prices of pulses -Remya Nair
-Livemint.com Prices of pulses have been consistently on a rise for past few months, forcing the government to announce a number of measures to check hoarding New Delhi: Why are the prices of pulses rising? Will they stabilize anytime soon? The prices have been rising steadily over the last few months. Inflation in lentils stood at 46% in November, after hitting 42% in October, according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers...
More »Food inflation pulses up -Ravi Krishnan
-Livemint.com As the base effect wears off in some categories and unseasonal rains affect winter sowing, the prognosis for food inflation doesn’t look good Food inflation, which inched up to 6.08% in November, is the main story in Monday’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) data. Lentils were the main culprits for the rise. Inflation in pulses and pulses products rose to a high of 46.08% since the new series has been released. Inflation...
More »NITI Aayog mulling big reforms in agriculture sector -Yogima Seth Sharma
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: In an effort to raise agriculture productivity and raise farm prices, government's premier think tank NITI Aayog is considering a series of big ticket agriculture reforms that include changes in the fertiliser policy to allow free import of urea, explore transgenic crops in pulses and oilseeds and make land laws transparent. A paper emerging from the work of Aayog's task force on agriculture development, has moving fertiliser...
More »Three charts that show why reservations are desirable -Roshan Kishore and Dipti Jain
-Livemint.com Scheduled castes are the most backward, followed by scheduled tribes and other backward classes, shows NSSO data In October, a two-judge Supreme Court bench commented that “national interest requires doing away with all forms of reservations in higher education”. The judges also expressed regret that “some privileges remained unchanged” even after 68 years of independence. Debate on reservations has always been of a polarizing nature in India and abroad. Arguments for...
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