Total Matching Records found : 6291

Hospital turns Bhopal victims into guinea pigs by Hemender Sharma

Some Bhopal gas leak victims who survived the tragedy were used by Bhopal Memorial Hospital and Research Centre (BMHRC) for four years to carry out drug trails. The number of such people who were subjected to drug trials is 151. Ramadhar Shrivastva is one such gas victim. In 2007 when he had chest pain, he was referred to BMHRC, the multi-specialty hospital set up for gas victims from the money given...

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Green Revolution's diet of big carbon savings by Richard Black

The revolution of the 1960s saved decades worth of greenhouse gas emissions. The Green Revolution of the 1960s raised crop yields and cut hunger — and also saved decades worth of greenhouse gas emissions, a study concludes. U.S. researchers found cumulative global emissions since 1850 would have been one third as much again without the Green Revolution's higher yields. Although modern farming uses more energy and chemicals, much less land needs...

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Book Review-Participatory Rural Appraisal: Principles, Methods and Application

C.K.Ramachandran Consultant - governance, institutional reform and rural livelihoods   N.Narayanasamy SAGE New Delhi, India 2009 Pages - 363 Price Rs. 550   This is an exhaustive treatise on Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) which evolved during the 80s and 90s as a reaction to the top-down approach to development. The book traces the evolution of PRA in considerable detail and attempts to distinguish it from several other related streams of participatory approaches some of which have vanished without...

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Calling attention by Papri Sri Raman

A UNESCO dossier examines the problems faced by the original tribal inhabitants of the Andaman islands. SINCE the 1780s, a variety of players have vied for space in the Andaman archipelago. Today, apart from the three wings of the country's armed forces, others including rice farmers, timber merchants and academics are trying to push out its original inhabitants from their traditional habitats. For the first time in the past 150 years,...

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Ministries agree to create new regulator by Jacob P Koshy

The ministries of environment and science seem to have resolved their differences over who will govern the entry of genetically modified (GM) crops in India. The controversial genetic engineering approval committee, or GEAC, which currently gives the nod for the commercial release of GM crops, is likely to be integrated with a biotechnology regulator proposed by the science ministry, two ministry officials said on condition of anonymity. This will relegate GEAC, which...

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