Total Matching Records found : 6102

Year of House unrest by PC Alexander

Within a few days from today we will be crossing over to the second decade of the 21st century. Those of us born in the 20th century and lived through the first decade of the 21st, have indeed been fortunate to experience the impact of several giant steps of progress in human history. Mankind has indeed achieved much more in this period than it had in all the previous periods...

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Ministry questions foreign varsity bill by Charu Sudan Kasturi

The health ministry has questioned the benefits to India of a proposed bill aimed at regulating the entry of foreign universities, unleashing the most scathing criticism the draft legislation has faced from within the government. The draft Foreign Education (Regulation of Entry and Operations) Bill contains loopholes that could deny India benefits to medical education and could even hurt the sector, the health ministry has said. The criticism of the bill...

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FIRs in firing line as cops strive to keep crime rate low by Mohit Sharma

To register a formal complaint with the police about snatched or stolen articles is often as tough as getting the item recovered. That’s an old axiom held by a good majority of Delhiites. And statistics go a long way into formalising it as a theory. Here’s from the police’s own record books: out of approximately 14,000 calls received by the Police Control Room (PCR) for “snatchings” this year, till November...

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How fair is 'fair' sugarcane price? by Bhupesh Bhandari

While the government may have got reprieve with the fair and remunerative price, the mills are expected to move the courts On October 21, the Central government came out with an ordinance that it will henceforth announce a fair and remunerative price for sugarcane, instead of the statutory minimum price. Millions of farmers across the country grow sugarcane which they sell to sugar mills. To make sure that prices don’t tank...

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Built on illusion by Jayati Ghosh

The collapse of the Dubai dream is not without any implications; it may be an indication that the travails of finance capitalism are not over. GLOBAL capitalism is in a phase in which it must deal with the fruits of the overextension during the previous boom, and there is no doubt that this is going to be painful. The financial crisis in the United States and some other developed countries...

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