-The Times of India First the good news: Indians are living much longer than they did 40 years ago. The life expectancy (LE) at birth of an average Indian male has gone up by 15 years between 1970 and 2010, while that of an Indian woman by 18 years. An average Indian man can expect to live for as long as 63 years, while an Indian woman can live 4.5 years longer than...
Mines of concern -S Dorairaj
-Frontline Farmers protest against the Central clearance for coal bed methane exploration in Mannargudi, Tamil Nadu, as they fear it will devastate agriculture in Tiruvarur and Thanjavur districts. THE woes of the delta farmers of Tamil Nadu are far from over. While the Cauvery tangle continues unresolved, they fear the proposed multi-crore project for commercial exploration and exploitation of coal bed methane (CBM) in the Mannargudi block of Tiruvarur district will prove...
More »Chulha smoke choking Indian women, kids -Kounteya Sinha
-The Times of India High blood pressure (BP) has become the world's deadliest disease-causing risk factor. But for Indians, indoor air pollution (IAP) — emanating from chulhas burning wood, coal and animal dung as fuel — has been found to be a bigger health hazard for Indians. The first-ever estimates of the contribution of different risk factors to the global burden of disease between 1990 and 2010 has found that household air pollution...
More »Climate change deaths up 5-fold since 1970
-The Times of India Even as one in four deaths worldwide in 2010 was caused by heart disease or stroke the top two killers that have remained constant for the past 40 years human mortality caused by climate change has shown the most dangerous spurt over the last four decades. The Global Burden of Disease Study, 2010, published by the British medical journal, The Lancet, on Thursday shows that there has been...
More »Rahul Gandhi to tell district and Youth Congress chiefs on cash transfer
-The Indian Express With the government set to launch the direct cash transfer scheme from January 1 in select districts across the country, Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi will tomorrow brief district Congress and youth presidents about the benefits of the scheme. He will address district Congress and Youth Congress presidents of 51 districts, where the direct cash transfer scheme is to be implemented from January, explaining the benefits of the measure so...
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