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Cartoons All! Politicians and Self-Seekers-Aditya Nigam The uproar over what is being referred to as the ‘Ambedkar cartoon’ in the class XI textbook prepared by NCERT first began over a month ago, that is to say, almost six years after the books have been in circulation, been taught and received high praise for their lively style and a critical pedagogical approach (more on this below).  It was a political party – one of the factions of...

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Cost & equity counter-arguments on pensions

-The Business Standard The conflict between a universal and a targeted approach to social welfare which has held back the proposed food security law is now emerging in the ongoing movement for a universal pension. While econoMISt Jean Dreze, who has been demanding universal old age pensions as part of a platform called Pension Parishad, has called for abolition of the Below Poverty Line (BPL) targeting system in all pension schemes, calling...

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Abortion as a feminist issue: Who decides and what?-Nivedita Menon

There is a complicated relationship between abortion as such and the selective abortion of female foetuses. This dilemma is one with which the women’s movement in India has been grappling since the late 1980s. In my discussion of this dilemma, I would like to move away completely from Satyamev Jayate, the television programme, (on which a discussion has been initiated by Shohini Ghosh on In any case, there the...

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Mind The Crease-Lola Nayar

Pawar’s Report Card The Negatives     Per capita availability of cereals and pulses has fallen in last eight years     No improvement in irrigation, 60% of agriculture still dependent on monsoons     Farmers growing cereals, sugarcane, oilseeds and pulses assured higher MSP, but majority don't benefit     Production up, but not productivity. Farmer suicides are on the rise.     Poor market advisory on exports being MISused to buy cheaply from farmers and make profits overseas     Pawar...

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Everyone forgot the snail-EP Unny

-The Indian Express After retrospective taxes, here comes the retroactive cartoon The no-no cartoon was published in Shankar’s Weekly on August 28, 1949 and reproduced in many Shankar collections, including one with a Nehru quote as title that will make his party men squirm today — “Don’t spare me Shankar”. The Congress government has pulled out the cartoon and the textbook that carried it. The cartoon features Nehru himself, standing behind a...

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