-Deccan Herald Tamil Nadu and Karnataka have earned the ignominy of topping the chart of child marriages in the country. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report depicts a worse picture of south India as five states from the region — Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana — together account for almost half of the 280 cases of child marriage in the country. However, the data shows the biggest lacuna...
Government to hike health care investment to 2.5% of GDP by 2020 -Nitin Sethi
-Business Standard Health cess recommended; public health care to be primary focus The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government plans to increase public investment in health from 1.04 per cent of GDP (gross domestic product) to 2.5 per cent by 2020, with 70 per cent of this being dedicated to primary health care. This target has been set in the overhauled draft National Health Policy that now emphasises on substantially ratcheting up government...
More »Swaminathan MSP: Solution to Agrarian Crisis and Farmers’ Distress? -Ranjit Singh Ghuman
-Economic and Political Weekly Farmers' unions and political parties have been demanding the implementation of the Swaminathan minimum support price (cost plus 50%) to address agrarian crisis and farmers' distress. But they have not raised demands for the implementation of the recommendations of the National Commission on Farmers, which have the potential to provide lasting solutions. Ranjit Singh Ghuman (ghumanrs@yahoo.co.uk) is a Nehru SAIL Chair Professor, Centre for Research in Rural and...
More »Govt working on right to privacy law: Minister
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Centre is in the process of drafting a legislation that will guarantee protection to individuals against breach of their privacy through unlawful means, minister of state for personnel Jitendra Singh informed Rajya Sabha on Thursday. The ministry of personnel has been working on a right to privacy law for some years now, with the first draft released in 2011. The law seeks to protect individuals...
More »25% of Indians may die of lifestyle diseases before they are 70: Study -Sushmi Dey
-The Financial Express NEW DELHI: With increasing prevalence of life-style diseases in India, one out of four Indians is at risk of dying from non-communicable diseases like diabetes, cardio-vascular ailments or cancer before the age of 70, according to estimates of various global and domestic organizations. The findings are part of a white paper released by the Confederation of Indian Industry and academia on Wednesday. "Every year, roughly 5.8 million Indians die from...
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