-IndiaToday.in Police have booked 20 priests in Tamil Nadu’s Chidambaram Nataraja temple under the SC/ST Act for stopping a woman from getting onto a PLAtform to pray. They also falsely accused her of stealing a vessel. Chennai: Twenty priests employed at Chidambaram Natarajar temple in Tamil Nadu were booked under the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 for stopping a scheduled caste woman from praying while standing on...
A leg-up for cooperatives -Anshu Singh, Pallavi Ingale and Hema Yadav
-The Hindu Business Line A host of initiatives in the Budget should make the sector vibrant Budget 2022 seeks to double farmers’ income by building a robust system that enables easier access to finance, the marketPLAce and new-age technology. The government has allocated a sizeable amount for rural infrastructure development. This will help farmers get better access to the marketPLAce National Federation of State Co-operative Banks (NAFSCOB) data of 2019-20 shows that around...
More »Millets: The mighty midgets -Pushpesh Pant
-ANI/ ThePrint.in New Delhi: A folk tale describes the plight of a poor peasant’s beautiful daughter who caught the eye of the Prince out on a hunt. He married her and made her the queen. Bliss didn’t last long. Everyone was worried when the young queen lost all appetite and began wasting away. It took a clever physician to diagnose the ailment. She was missing the coarse bread prepared with millets that...
More »Eating dust in paradise -Hindolee Datta
-The Telegraph The risks of mining in Goa far outweigh ‘developmental gains’ Over five years ago, Hartman de Souza, a Goan, wrote a very angry book, Eat Dust: Mining and Greed in Goa, about the political economy of mining, giving a harrowing account of the mining racket orchestrated by those with political power, money and influence during the Age of Greed (2008-2011). This year, four national political parties are fighting the Goa elections...
More »‘Suraksha’ PLAnk finds particular resonance in Uttar Pradesh -JP Yadav
-The Telegraph For the better-off upper castes, it has acquired the context of the safety of their sisters and daughters Bareilly, Rampur: Sitting outside a small medicine-cum-stationery shop at Khirka village in Bareilly district, Rakesh Gangwar, Ramdas Kashyap and Puranlal Gangwar unhesitatingly declare their support for the “phool” (lotus). Each lists the reasons almost in the same order, as though they had prepared beforehand for the question. The top reason for all three —...
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