-PTI There are only 1.48 crore or 8.29 per cent of rural households where the monthly income of such member was Rs 10,000 or more. The highest earning member in about three-fourths of all rural households in the country made less than Rs 5,000 per month, according to the Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) 2011 released on Friday. As per the Census data, there were 13.34 crore or 74.49 per cent households...
Tribal alienation in an unequal India -Mihir Shah
-The Hindu Thanks to the caste system, India has always been an unequal society. What is even more worrying is that inequality appears to have deepened in the past two decades The Boston Consulting Group’s 15th annual report, “Winning the Growth Game: Global Wealth 2015”, has received extensive coverage in the Indian media. The report comes on top of the Global Wealth Databook 2014 from Credit Suisse, which provides a much more...
More »Delhi slum kids escape illiteracy with school under Metro bridge -Abhishek Saha
-Hindustan Times New Delhi: Nine-year-old Priyanka Kumari wants to escape her impoverished childhood but the school she studies in is most unusual – underneath a metro bridge in east Delhi’s Shakarpur area. The pillars serve as the boundary of the school and trains roar past on the bridge above, rattling her as she solves elementary mathematical problems. “The teaching here is good, I like coming to this school. Sir gives work to do...
More »Fearing action, over 1,400 schoolteachers resign -Madhuri Kumar
-The Times of India PATNA: Over 1,400 primary schoolteachers have resigned till date apprehending legal action for allegedly taking the job on fake educational certificates. "We expect more teachers to resign by July 9, the deadline set for doing so to escape punishment," said Vinodanand Jha, OSD to principal secretary, education department, on Thursday. The resignations follow the Patna high court directive to the state government on Monday last week to ask...
More »Pursuing zero hunger -Varun Gandhi
-Asian Age Children born in India are, on average, shorter than those born in sub-Saharan Africa. Even worse, 255 million Indians remain food insecure, eating less than 2,100 calories daily. Jharkhand reports the lowest per capita calorie intake (1,900 Kcal) in rural areas, while West Bengal hovers similarly (1,851 Kcal) in urban areas. We have attempted to meet this challenge through legislation. Aside from the Right to Food Bill, the landmark...
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