Trouble erupted at Jikarpur, near Aligarh, on Saturday night after rumours spread that a farmer leader had been arrested near the village. Police opened fire to disperse the violent protesters and bring the situation under control, said SSP (Aligarh) Vijay Prakash, who was transferred on Sunday. B.D. Palson, SSP of Mathura, which too was hit by the violence, was also shifted. Two persons and a PAC jawan were killed and nine injured in...
Ban not the answer to illegal mining, says Handique by Sujay Mehdudia
Days after Union Steel Minister Virbhadra Singh lauded the Karnataka government for imposing a ban on iron ore export, Union Mines Minister B.K. Handique came down strongly on the State government for failing to get its act together on checking illegal mining. In a harshly worded letter to Karnataka Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa, Mr. Handique stated that banning iron ore export was not the right approach. Rather, it was a “sad...
More »Sharp spike in rape cases in India's 'safest' city by V Narayan
Delhi has reconfirmed its position as the worst city in the country as far as women’s safety is concerned. Last year, with 452 rapes, it emerged as the most unsafe. With 178 rape cases, Mumbai had 278 fewer rapes than Delhi, but 112 more than neighbouring Pune’s 66 and a lot more than Kolkata’s 40 — something that’s come as a shocker for a city that prides itself in being...
More »Bihar sees a growing tribe of rural migrants by Pallavi Singh
Amipur may be a small dot along the national highway from Patna to Nawada, but its ambitions are big. In the 50-odd households in the village, sparsely populated and rife with an uneasy quiet, most men have left for work outside Bihar. Siyaram Chauhan is the one who returned. He was rescued last month by the state government officials from a brick kiln in Uttar Pradesh’s Bahraich where he worked as...
More »Human Rights Watch seeks law against honour killings
A global human rights organisation Monday appealed to the central government to enact strict laws to check honour killings and ensure prosecution of those involved in caste-based violence. The US-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) said murders to protect the 'honour' of a family or a community have increased in the recent months in Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. This religion-based, caste-based violence should be stopped by taking stern action against local...
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