-PTI CHANDIGARH: Onion prices continued to hover around Rs 60 per kg across retail markets in Punjab and Haryana, while peas jumped to Rs 80-100 per kg. After witnessing a steep hike from Rs 30 per kg a fortnight back, onion prices have been hovering around Rs 60 per kg for the past few days, traders said today. They said it was not just the price of onion, which was in short supply...
Vidarbha, West MP get highest rain-Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-The Business Standard As the southwest monsoon enters the last leg of its four-month journey, 2013 will be remembered as one of the best years in overall quantum and distribution of rainfall across India. More than expected rain so far have pushed up kharif sowing in a big way, which will not only add its bit to gross domestic product (GDP) growth but blunt inflationary pressures. If the intensity is maintained, India...
More »Onion prices: another case of the great Indian paradox-Pramit Bhattacharya
-Live Mint The absence of genuine competition at mandis and numerous transaction charges are distorting onion prices The joke doing the rounds today is that the spike in onion prices has been a great equalizer, bringing parity between the price of a bottle of beer and a kilo of onion. The humble vegetable has also found pride of place as a gift item to customers at a tyre shop in Jamshedpur,...
More »Firm rupee, good crop could peg WPI at 5-6% by year-end: Montek
-PTI Pinning hopes on rupee stabilisation and the impact of a good monsoon in the coming days, Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia today said he expected inflation to hover around 5 and 6 per cent by the year-end. "With currency appearing to stabilise, I don't expect this (effect on inflation) to continue. I think if we can get moderation on the food front once the impact of a good monsoon...
More »Onion price soars to Rs 80/kg despite normal supply
-PTI Prices expected to cool down in first week of Sept once supplies from AP and Karnataka increases Much to the discomfort of consumers, onion prices today touched Rs 80 per kg in most retail markets in the national capital despite normal supply in the wholesale markets. Wholesale price of onion have increased by Rs 5 to Rs 50-55 per kg in Azadpur mandi, according to the Onion Merchant Traders Association. Onion supply to...
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