In village after village of crisis-hit Vidarbha region you can find many girls aged 25 or more unmarried because their parents can't afford it. This is a major source of tension in the community. The irony was hard to miss. Political leaders — MPs and MLAs amongst them — lecturing people on the virtues of low-cost marriages. Divthana didn't need the sermon. This village in Buldhana district began its cheap,...
Reforming political funding
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh iterated the need to have a larger political consensus on the issue of financing of political parties and elections, replying to a question during his press conference on Monday. But that is merely one, though critical, aspect of the wider need for political reforms in the country. It is an area sorely in need of attention. For, even issues like building infrastructure, investing in health care...
More »Biodiversity challenges ahead by S Balaji
The world needs to act quickly to counter the erosion of species. The task is particularly important for India, one of the 12 mega-biodiversity centres. May 22 marked the International Day for Biological Diversity. It commemorates the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) that day in 1992. As of December 2009, exactly 192 countries and the European Commission were signatories to it. This year has been declared the...
More »Posco survey from tomorrow
The Jagatsinghpur district administration will start a field-survey for the proposed steel plant of South Korean major Posco from tomorrow. “We have already completed the groundwork. Six teams have been constituted for this and survey will begin at the proposed site from Tuesday,” Jagatsingpur district collector Narayan Chandra Jena said. According to the government order, the district administration would exclude Dhinkia village, the epicentre of the anti-Posco movement, from the survey. Posco requires...
More »12 districts of Bihar identified as
As many as 12 districts in North-Eastern Bihar have been identified as major “hotspots” in food security in the state, according to the Food Security Atlas on Rural Bihar . The report, prepared by the Institute for Human Development (IHD) in conjunction with the United Nation's World Food Programme (UNWFP), provides a comprehensive food security information system for the state while pin-pointing the most vulnerable districts that are in dire...
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