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Monsoon favourable, but rodent invasion worries farmers

Although a favourable monsoon this year brought cheers to farmers after last year's drought-like situation, rodents have taken away their sleep invading one paddy field after another across the half of Nagaland. Official reports said standing crops in Mokokchung and Wokha districts, where summer crops have been the mainstay, were destroyed by rats. The situation is alarming as swarms of rat invading fields and devouring crops in the nights have been reported...

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EGoM may revise issue price for PDS sugar by Devika Banerji & Ajay Modi

An Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) headed by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee is likely to revise the issue price of levy sugar for the public distribution system (PDS). The group is going to meet on Thursday with a three-point agenda for discussion. The government had recently increased the price of levy sugar for mills, which is meant for PDS, to an average of Rs 17.57 per kg for the 2009-10 crop...

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Agri panel suggests steps to raise grain output

A task force, set up by the agriculture ministry, has recommended a slew of measures to increase India’s stagnating grain production. The panel has advised adoption of new technologies, water conservation and more efficient water management, especially in Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh—known as ‘the food bowl of India’. The task force also suggests taking green revolution to the eastern region. It is hopeful that the measures would check...

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Indian farmers' visit America's biggest farm show by MJ Prabu

Croplife International, Crop life Asia and the Association of Biotechnology led enterprises special Interest group of Agri Biotechnology (Able-sigab) invited a delegation of Indian farmers to participate in a farm progress show held in Iowa, U.S., recently. The annual farm show being held for nearly last 55 years, holds a reputation as a U.S. premier farm show. Every year the show is held in different parts of America. India lags behind Mr. K.K....

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Industrializing India leaves little room for farmers by CJ Kuncheria

Jagdishji Vaghela is one of hundreds of thousands of farmers standing in the way of India's breakneck economic expansion. Determined not to give up his land for an industrial park in the western state of Gujarat, the 55-year-old farmer scorns at talk of how the benefits of industrialization in Asia's third-largest economy will trickle down to people like him. Despite a nearby plant producing what is touted as the world's cheapest car,...

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