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Population, incomes tilt India towards food imports

India's anxiety over erratic monsoon rains will become more acute as rising incomes and a growing population push up demand for farmed produce faster than supply, turning the nation into a major importer within 5 years. Forecasts of a normal monsoon this year have stirred hopes for smooth supplies and low inflation, reversing setbacks from last year's poor rains. But the country must boost yields if it is to feed...

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‘Soft drink plants cause chromium pollution'

Coca Cola rejects findings; Pepsico says its plants meet Pollution Control Board norms  Cadmium and lead detected in samples from Ghaziabad Chromium can cause skin rashes, upset stomach, respiratory problems and cancer Your daily dose of cola could be poisoning the lives of communities living near soft drink manufacturing plants, according to a study by Hazards Centre. The NGO found high levels of toxic chromium and other pollutants in the soil and water...

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Organic lessons from a lab by Samudra Gupta Kashyap

Farmers in Assam, especially those in districts close to the state capital, have found a new and safer method of pest control. The State Bio-Control Laboratory (SBCL) of the state agriculture department has isolated two exotic species of farmer-friendly insect bio-agents and have begun sharing these with farmers. The two species of insect bio-agents — Trichogramma japonicum and Trichogramma chillonis — have earned considerable popularity among farmers, with the authorities...

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Focus on agri study

Orissa will soon have an e-surveillance mechanism for pest attack through use of scientific tools so that the farmers are benefited and remedial actions can be initiated by the agriculture department. “Scientists working under the Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, must change their strategy and include climate change as their Research focus area and also impact patterns to help farmers,” said agriculture production commissioner R.N. Senapati at state-level Research council...

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EU rejects Indian grapes by Nidhi Jamwal

vineyard owners of Maharashtra who export grapes are worried. The Euro-pean Union rejected their table grape consignments in mid-April as they were found containing traces of chlormequat chloride, a plant growth regulator. The export of table grapes (these are consumed directly unlike grapes that go into wine making) was halted immediately. The farmers are facing losses of about Rs 300 crore, media reported. “My son-in-law had exported two containers (30...

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