The ITO crossing was full of protest chants against the government’s move to provide cash instead of subsidised food and fuel through the Public Distribution System (PDS). Women from slums and resettlement colonies across Delhi-NCR and representatives of 30-odd organisations that participated in the protest — organised by ‘Rozi-Roti Aadhikar Abhiyan’ — expressed discontentment over the decision. The government should strengthen the PDS system instead of replacing it with a new system,...
Hunger, by design by Vandana Shiva
Why is every fourth Indian hungry? Why is every third woman in India anaemic and malnourished? Why is every second child underweight and stunted? Why has the hunger and malnutrition crisis deepened even as India has nine per cent growth? Why is “Shining India” a “Starving India”? In my view, hunger is a structural part of the design of the industrialised, globalised food system. Hunger is an intrinsic part of the...
More »“Media must do its bit to get people to vote” by Urvashi Sarkar
The need for the media to take voluntary, not paid, ownership of creating awareness for better participation of voters in the election process was recommended at a roundtable on the “Role of media in building voters' awareness” here on Friday. The recommendation was part of a national consultation on voters' participation organised by the Election Commission (EC). Other roundtables at the consultation pertained to fighting urban apathy, connecting with youth in...
More »Union Home Ministry awaiting Communal Violence Bill draft
Union Home Secretary G.K. Pillai clarified on Friday that his ministry was awaiting the draft of the Communal Violence Bill from the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC). “There has been some delay but we hope to get it by the end of March, after which we will study it in the MHA, before it goes to cabinet,” he said. Mr Pillai was responding to a question, at an interaction at...
More »Indian brides herald a toilet revolution by Nilanjana Bhowmick
Young women are part of a campaign to bring much-needed social change and improve sanitation facilities If you don't have a toilet at home, you might not get a bride in India. In a silent revolution of sorts, Indian women across the country, especially in rural and semi-urban areas, have a single condition before they agree to a match – the groom must have a toilet in his home. The "No Toilet,...
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