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Let's get men involved-Lalita Panicker

-The Hindustan Times The next time you hear a knock on your door, it may turn out to be your friendly local health worker with a choice of contraceptives for you. And who will you have to thank for that? None else than health and family welfare minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, whose innovations in the field of population are matchless. Well, don't hold your breath just yet, this is one scheme...

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Khaps meet to decide action against Aamir Khan-Ajay Sura

Khap panchayats of Haryana, which have already warned Bollywood actor Aamir Khan against portraying them in 'poor light' and demanded his show Satyamev Jayte be taken off air, have now summoned a meeting of all village khaps of the state.  The Sarv Khap Panchayat has been called to decide the course of action to be taken against the film star and respond to his attempts of maligning the Khaps and intruding...

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Extend promotion quota to OBCs: Dalit body to government-Subodh Ghildiyal

A top dalit panel has asked the Centre to extend reservation in promotions to OBCs, adding a twist to the controversy over 'promotion quota' simmering since the Supreme Court quashed the Uttar Pradesh law last month.  In a letter, the National Commission for SCs (NCSC) said, "The Commission feels the benefit of reservation in promotion should also be extended to OBCs as per Article 15(4) and 16(4) of the Constitution."  It said...

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‘Ability model’ moves Delhi-Sudhir Kumar Mishra

Jharkhand has proved it is both willing and able where disposing complaints related to physical disability is concerned. In the past three years (2008-11), the state received 10,095 complaints and disposed of 9,414 cases, a feat that has impressed none other than Mukul Balkrishna Wasnik, Union minister for social justice and empowerment. A two-day meet in New Delhi’s Vigyan Bhavan, hosted by Union social justice and empowerment ministry, and starting from tomorrow,...

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India’s proposal in the UN for government control of internet endangers free speech and privacy-Rajeev Chandrasekhar

If you were a tad worried about the government`s intentions to censor free speech by controlling the internet and monitoring your access to the Web through a vague and draconian legal framework - `IT Rules, 2011`, followed by an attempt to pre-screen content on Google and Facebook - you haven`t seen anything yet. In mid-2011, the success of the internet and social media in BRInging down dictatorships in Egypt and Libya...

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