-The Economic Times CHANDIGARH: The Supreme Court has said that the recent ordinance on land acquisition is prospective in nature, holding that delays owing to litigation are to be counted to the benefit of landowners and going against state governments owing to the absence of specific language to this effect. The court also said the benefit given to landowners is a "statutory right" and "cannot be taken away by an ordinance by...
Tribals in Chhattisgarh oppose Narendra Modi government’s coal ordinance
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: After vociferous protests from workers' unions, Narendra Modi government's coal ordinance is drawing flak from adivasi villagers of north Chhattisgarh as 20 gram sabhas from three districts of the state have passed resolutions against resumption of mining in 16 coal blocks spread over 2,000 sq km of dense forests which were part of the previous UPA government's 'no go' areas. The opposition could be debilitating for the...
More »Nabard inks pact with IIM-A to research rural agriculture
-PTI MUMBAI: Nabard today said it has signed an MoU with the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, to set up a Chair to encourage research in climate change, rural livelihood and financial inclusion, among others. The MoU was signed by Nabard Deputy Managing Director H R Dave and IIM-A Director Ashish Nanda at Ahmedabad, a release said. Please click here to read more. ...
More »Government ties itself up in knots over Greenpeace activist travel restraint -Aman Sharma
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: Greenpeace activist Priya Pillai was named in a secret Intelligence Bureau (IB) note to the Centre last June for leading a protest against the Mahan Coal block, which is said to be the reason for her being stopped from leaving India for UK on Sunday. "She has been on a watch-list since. Many of her provocative statements issued later have also been brought on record. The step...
More »Climate change threatens India’s native plants -M Sreelata
-SciDev.net Study suggests that even moderate climate change will impact India's endemic flora India is one of the 12 mega biodiversity countries of the world Assisted migration to protected areas may save endemic plants NEW DELHI:If India is to save hundreds of endemic plant species from extinction as a result of climate change it may need to resort to interventions such as...
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